Confiture Bonne Maman Coffret 4 parfums

Confiture Bonne Maman Coffret 4 parfums


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parfum confiture
Confiture Bonne Maman Coffret 4 parfums
parfum confiture
confiture artisanal
parfum confiture
Confiture abricot
parfum confiture
La petite fabrique - Bougie en béton
parfum confiture
Lot de 3 petits pots de confiture au
parfum confiture
Diffuseurs ou Pots-Pourris

A total of 3 guests made comments

Jennifer - 2025-03-14

Best things I have ever owned & not only are they so pretty but most importantly, that are so comfortable. Love it.

Vnewman - 2025-03-12

Very cute....will get more in other colors.

Candace Maldonado - 2025-03-12

Really comfy! Wasn't expecting much for the price but am super happy with these!!

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