Big wheels keep on turning for vintage bicycle collectors (w/ video) – Twin Cities

That big front wheel bike: See why the penny farthing high wheel bike was an icon of the Victorian age (1890) - Click Americana | Old bicycle, Vintage bicycles, Penny farthing bicycle

1880s Penny Farthing Big Wheel Bicycle – Olde Inverness Antiques

That big front wheel bike: See why the penny farthing high wheel bike was an icon of the Victorian age (1890) - Click Americana

High Wheel Bicycle (also known as Penny Farthing) - The National Clustered Spires High Wheel Race

Cyclist Sporting Handlebar Moustache Riding Atop a High Wheel Ordinary Bicycle' Photographic Print | Art.com
Carson Ezell - 2025-03-14
I get compliments on these in my building all the time. Love them!!